World Health Organisation One Health learning materials

by Jul 19, 2019One Health

The World Health Organisation has developed courses and training materials which are aimed at strengthening knowledge and competencies of public health professionals by taking into consideration the human-animal-environment interface.

There are two training packages of which:

1. The first one is a 90’ online course (One Health: Basics of multi-sectoral collaboration at the Human – Animal – Environment interface) and;
2. The second one is an entire training package for trainers (Module from IHR Training Toolkit: IHR implementation at the human-animal-environment interface).

Quick orientation: The online course is a good introduction to people without much One Health background while the second larger training package is a little more advanced and a good basis for workshops or students since it also includes practical examples of multi-sectoral response to specific diseases such as brucellosis, tb, rabies, RVF, etc.You can access and download all materials upon free registration at the WHO website at this link:

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