Untangling antimicrobial resistance – the legacy of an unhealthy development model

by Oct 26, 2022Antimicrobial resistance, My Write Ups, One Health

The Society for International Development (SID), in collaboration with the AMR Think Do Tank released a new report during a workshop on 24th October 2022 titled, “Untangling antimicrobial resistance – the legacy of an unhealthy development model.

The discussions in the workshop highlighted the importance of challenging the highly industrialized food systems and their dependency model on antibiotics, pesticides, and external input that impact people’s and planet’s health, while increasing the concentration of power in the hands of only a few.

Page 78-80 of the report provides recommendations for creating “transformative policies.” Sharing below some of those recommendations:

  • A moratorium on intensive factory
  • A conversion from industrial food systems to scaling up agroecology
  • Cut off funding to the factory farming industry – “development banks must stop funding factory farming, instead, they should support and help expand truly sustainable farming projects with a focus on plant-based proteins and high animal welfare, that takes into account the needs of animals, local communities and the environment.
  • Reconverting financial flows from the global agrifood system to agroecology

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