Experts meet to battle livestock diseases

Experts meet to battle livestock diseases

Experts meet to battle livestock diseases

Experts from more than 90 countries have met in Paris to discuss how to minimise the threat of infectious animal diseases escaping from laboratories.

The first global conference on biological threat reduction, hosted by the World Organisation for Animal Health (OIE), in collaboration with the World Health Organisation (WHO), brought together a range of participants.

Specialists from public health, animal health, scientists, veterinarians and security sectors from international organisations and national governments attended the gathering.

Among the diseases discussed were rinderpest, a deadly disease also known as cattle plague that was officially wiped out of livestock in May 2011. Samples of the virus are still stored in dozens of laboratories worldwide.

The OIE is concerned poor security or a malicious act could see the virus reintroduced to cattle stocks, which it warns, would cause food prices to rise. It wants all samples stored by laboratories to be destroyed.

Biological weapons

All animal disease agents, including those transmissible to humans, have the potential to escape by accident from laboratories or to be used as biological weapons because of their low cost and ready availability.

Once infectious diseases have been eradicated special risks arise from the potential for accidental or deliberate infection.

“Unless the international community takes meaningful action to fulfil their obligations to destroy and sequester eradicated pathogens (such as rinderpest), risks will increase over time as more diseases become eradicated,” said Dr Bernard Vallet, director general of the OIE.

Delegates stressed the importance of good governance of animal and public health national systems, allowing early detection and rapid response to any new disease outbreak. That would protect the society and neighbouring countries from potential disasters of natural, accidental or intentional origin, they concluded.

Participants agreed the health and security sectors needed to improve cooperation and speak with one voice on the urgent need to invest in strengthening health systems.

Social and economic costs

The social and economic costs and benefits of investing in health systems in peacetime far outweighed the costs of responding to a crisis linked with a preventable biological disaster, they argued. Investments in the systems needed to support these policies should be considered a priority in all countries, they agreed.

Internationally adopted standards were the basis for global infectious disease prevention and control, including early detection and rapid response to biological events, and for strong animal health and human health systems, the experts insisted.

“By complying with international standards for health systems, set by the OIE and WHO, countries demonstrate that they stand a good chance of detecting and tackling animal and human health threats,” said Vallet.

Many countries are unable to meet these standards, so the OIE, together with the WHO, has established a comprehensive global framework for strengthening in parallel public and animal health systems.

“In addition, we have made progress in establishing good governance in the animal sector, as we have already responded to requests for assistance from 133 of our 188 member countries,” Vallet added.

This article originally appeared on the GlobalMeat News webite.


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Oral cysticercosis: A contribution of dentists & clinicians to One Health?

Oral cysticercosis: A contribution of dentists & clinicians to One Health?

Oral cysticercosis: A contribution of dentists & clinicians to One Health?

Historical account

Cysticercosis was first described by Johannes Udalric Rumler in 1555 but the connection between tapeworms and cysticercosis in man was still a mystery. In 1855, Kuchenmaister established that human cysticercosis is indeed caused by the larval stage, Cysticercus cellulosae, of the pork tapeworm, Taenia solium[14].


Cysticercosis is prevalent in several parts of the world. It is endemic and one of the leading causes of acquired epilepsy[10] in developing countries, mainly in parts of Asia, Africa, Latin America and Eastern Europe. This is especially in those areas with uncontrolled free range pig production, poor sanitation and where humans and animals live in close contact[1]. Its incidence is also increasing in developed countries as a result of migration of infected persons and frequent travel to and from endemic areas[27].

In man, cysticercosis frequently involves many parts of the body including the brain (causing fatal neurocysticercosis), subcutaneous tissues, heart, liver, lungs, peritoneum, skeletal muscles and the eye. Although oral involvement by cysticercosis is common in swine, this location is a very rare occurrence in humans[17, 27, 1] where it presents as a component of disseminated cysticercosis and often a diagnostic challenge to clinicians [14].

A literature review conducted in 2012 by Krishnamoorthy and colleagues  [14], revealed 69 cases of oral cysticercosis characterized by a cystic swelling as the only evidence of the disease. They further found that any region of the oral cavity can be involved but review of literature suggested that the tongue was the preferred site comprising 46.37% of the 69 cases, followed by labial and buccal mucosa, with one case documented involving the gingival tissue from India [17]. However, some authors postulate that the muscular activity and high metabolic rate of the oral region may prevent lodging of the cysticerci in the tongue[5]. Other authors have also noted that intraorally, the favored sites for the development of cysticerci are the tongue, labial mucosa (lips), buccal mucosa (cheeks) and the floor of the mouth, however, correct and precise diagnosis is infrequently established [20, 6, 23, 13, 29, 7, 12]

How does man get infected?

Man is the definitive host for the adult pork tapeworm (Taenia solium) while the pig serves as an intermediate host. Human beings are infected by either:

  1. Eating uncooked, partially cooked or inadequately frozen pork containing viable Cysticercus cellulosae.
  2. Ingesting food or water contaminated by infected human faeces containing Taenia solium eggs which further explains cases of cysticercosis in vegetarians [11]
  3. Autoinfection by regurgitation of eggs into the stomach after reverse peristalsis[20, 3, 24]

In the human body the larval form (Cysticercus cellulosae) penetrates the intestinal mucosa and is then distributed through the blood vessels and lymphatics to the various parts of the body where they develop into cysticerci completing the life cycle.

What are the clinical signs?

In humans cysticercosis can develop in various organs and tissues. The larval form (Cysticercus cellulosae) commonly presents as a cyst in the cerebral tissue (brain), meninges, subcutaneous tissue, muscle and the eye [3, 19, 13, 15]. However, it is not commonly considered in the diagnosis of swellings of the maxillofacial region including the oral cavity and cheek muscles.

Most oral presentations of cysticercosis are in the form of painless, well-circumscribed, soft swellings or cystic nodules[12], that may persist or rupture and heal uneventfully[11]. Therefore, oral cysticercosis is a diagnostic challenge to a clinician due to:

  1. The condition mimics other oral nodular lesions like mucoceles, or a benign tumor of mesenchymal origin, such as a lipoma, fibroma, hemangioma, granular cell tumor, or a minor salivary gland adenoma[22]. However, the high intraluminal pressure in oral cysticercosis helps to differentiate it from lipoma and hemangioma.
  2. Cysticercosis is rarely included in the pre-operative differential diagnosis due to relative rarity of the lesion, inadequate knowledge of oral manifestations of parasitic infections and negligence while taking medical history[26].

Generally, the clinical symptoms of cysticercosis depend on the site and the number of cysticerci in the body. Cysticerci are well tolerated in the tissues when they are alive but evoke an inflammatory reaction in the surrounding tissue on  death. During invasion there may be no symptoms or mild muscular pain and fever. Central nervous system involvement may result to the potentially fatal neuro-cysticercosis[9].

Examples of oral cysticercosis case presentation and presumptive diagnosis: 

1. JoshiExample one, Joshi and colleagues (2014)[12]: An 18 year old male from Central India with an asymptomatic solitary cystic nodule in the right mucobuccal fold of upper arch. The patient reported that the lesion was present since 5-6 years with no associated pain. Intra oral examination revealed that the nodule as spherical in shape, 2 x 2 cm in size, firm, smooth surfaced and mobile. Noted in the alveolar mucosa mainly in mucobuccal fold of maxillary right canine region. There was no much change in the size and other features of the lesion in due course. The patient was otherwise healthy without any systemic signs and symptoms.

Example two, Bhatia and colleagues (2014)[1]: A case of eight year old Hindu female and a resident of a slum in Mumbai. The patient came with a swelling inside the oral cavity on the right buccal mucosa since one year which gradually increased in size. On local examination the swelling was non tender, firm and mobile measuring 1 x 0.5cm.

WanjariExample three, Wanjari and colleages (2013)[28]: Clinical presentation for both (2) cases was of diffuse, nontender, soft to fluctuant swelling. Case 1 showed involvement of the right cheek in the lower third of the face in line with the outer canthus of the right eye; however, intraorally overlying mucosa was intact and normal in colour. While case 2 revealed involvement of right labial mucosa in relation to maxillary right anterior region. No submandibular or cervical lymphadenopathy was detected in both cases.

Example four, Venkatraman and colleagues (2013)[27]: A 23 year old male presented with a swelling on the right lateral border of the tongue. The patient reported that the lesion was present since 4 years with no associated pain. Intra oral examination revealed that the lesion was spherical in shape, 2×2 cm in size, firm, compressible, smooth surfaced and mobile within the soft tissue of the tongue.

ChunturiExample five, Chunduri and colleagues(2013) [2]: A 17 year old Indian male presented with a nodule in the right lower lip. Clinical examination revealed a well circumscribed, mobile nodule approximately 1.5 cm in diameter with intact overlying mucosa. The lesion was painless and had been present for about six months, and was slowly growing.

Nervos SantosExample six, Neves Santos and colleagues (2013)[21]: A 21-year-old woman from Poções County (Bahia, Brazil) reported to a private dental center with the chief complaint of a painless nodule on the right side of her tongue that had been present for the past two years. The nodule had increased in size to approximately 3.5 cm in maximum diameter, and clinical examination showed a firm nodule that was covered with normal mucosa. No cervical or submandibular lymphadenopathy was observed. A complete blood count, liver function tests and renal function tests were all normal. A preliminary diagnosis of lipoma was made.




Example seven, Krishnamoorthy and colleagues (2012)[14]: A 12-year-old girl with a nodular swelling on the lower lip. She first noticed it 2 months ago. The swelling was painless, remained unchanged in size, and caused a little difficulty while eating and talking. On examination there was a solitary, spherical, well-defined swelling in the lower labial mucosa present on the left side of the midline which measured approximately 1.5 X 1.5 cm. The mucosa over the swelling was normal. On palpation it was not tender, but was tense and nonfluctuant. Differential diagnoses of mucocele, lipoma, and fibroma were considered.

Diagnosis of oral cysticercosis  

Diagnosis of human oral cysticercosis (including other forms of tissue cysticercosis) is impaired by its polymorphic clinical presentations. Excisional biopsy coupled with sections stained with Haematoxylin & Eosin, is the only confirmatory diagnostic procedure for the condition, which demonstrates the presence of the larva in the tissue or the scolex in the cystic lesion. However, other investigations must be considered to detect the disease in the diverse tissues that may be affected, using: Fine Needle Aspiration (FNA), serology, radiologic imaging techniques such as Computer Tomography (CT) or Magnet Resonance Imaging (MRI) and advanced molecular techniques as tools for conformational diagnosis[5][7].

Criteria for diagnosing oral cysticercosis as proposed by Krishnamoorthy and colleagues is: [14]:

  • A compatible clinical presentation
  • FNA aspirated material showing a speck of pearly white content also by[17, 27]
  • Histopathologic demonstration of the parasite on biopsy
  • Cystic lesions with scolex on imaging (muscular cysticercosis)
  • Positive epidemiological factors like household contact, endemic region or travel to or from an endemic area

Examples of oral cysticercosis definitive diagnoses: 

JoshiExample one, Joshi and colleagues (2014)[12]: Microscopically, the excised tissue showed a thin fibrous connective tissue capsule adjacent to a cystic cavity containing a duct like tubal segments that was lined by a homogeneous membrane typical of cysticercosis cellulosae (larval form of Taenia solium); Cyst wall and outer fibrous tissue was presenting in many papillary projections along with numerous inflammatory cell infiltrations and macrophages.

BhatiaExample two, Bhatia and colleagues (2014)[1]: External fibrous capsule with mononuclear cell infiltrate comprised of lymphocytes, histocytes and plasma cells. A double layered membrane consisting of an outer acellular hyaline eosinophilic layer and an inner sparsely cellular layer with aggregates of eosinophils was seen. The cyst contained larval form of T. Solium. The cephalic extremity of larva (scolex) with suckers could be identified suggesting the diagnosis of cysticercosis of right buccal mucosa.

WanjariExample three, Wanjari and colleagues (2013)[28]: Histopathological examination of excisional biopsy specimen revealed external dense, fibrous capsule derived from host tissue surrounding a cystic cavity which contained larval stage of T solium-cysticercus cellulosae. capsule showed intense inflammatory infiltrate consisting of plasma cells and few eosinophils. The larva consisted of a scolex, where suckers and duct-like invaginated segment could be identified at the caudal end. A digitiform coating of homogenous eosinophillic membrane was evident lining the cystic area. A final diagnosis of oral cysticercosis was made. MRI and CT scan were negative which ruled out neurocysticercosis (NCC).

Example four, Venkatramana and colleagues (2013)[27]: Histopathology of the excised tissue revealed a thin capsule of fibrous connective tissue surrounding a cystic cavity, which contained cysticercosis cellulosae (larval form of Taenia solium). The larva composed of a duct like tubal segments that was lined by a homogeneous membrane. Cyst wall and outer fibrous tissue was infiltrated with numerous inflammatory cells, macrophages and few foreign body type giant cells. Based on these findings, a diagnosis of cysticercosis was made

ChunduriExample five, Chunduri and colleagues (2013[2]: Microscopic examination revealed double glycoprotein membrane tissue surrounding a cystic cavity which contained Cysticercus cellulosae. The capsule showed intense inflammatory infiltrate, consisting mainly of lymphocytes and plasma cells. The larva was composed of a scolex, where a sucker could be identified, and a duct-like invaginated segment at the caudal end. No areas of dystrophic calcification were present in the specimen. Based on these findings, a diagnosis of cysticercosis was made.

Neves SantosExample six, Neves Santos and colleagues (2012)[21]: histological sections revealed the presence of a cystic lesion containing a serrated larva (C. cellulosae) with a cuticle and well-defined areolar and cellular layers as well as a cystic capsule exhibiting predominantly mononuclear inflammation. The final diagnosis was cysticercosis of the tongue.

KrishnamoorthyExample seven, Krishnamoorthy and colleagues (2012)[14]: A fine-needle aspiration (FNA) was performed. The aspirate was a clear fluid but the report was not conclusive. Hence the lesion was excised under local anesthesia which was a smooth well-encapsulated mass. Hematoxylline and eosin (H/E) stained sections showed a cystic mass containing the cysticercus cellulosae surrounded by dense fibrous capsule infiltrated with inflammatory cells, mainly lymphocytes and plasma cells. The inner aspect of the capsule was a double-layered membrane in which larval form of T. solium were seen. Larva showed the presence of suckers and caudal to it duct-like invagination segment lined by homogenous membrane. No areas of dystrophic calcifications were present in the tissue specimen. The final diagnosis of cysticercosis of the lip was made.

Differential diagnoses for oral cysticercosis

Oral cystucercosis is usually misdiagnosed as a mucocele, sialocyst or a benign tumor of mesenchymal origin such as lipoma, fibroma, hemangioma, lymphangioma, granular cell tumor  [16, 27], benign salivary gland neoplasms[8] and parasitic cysts e.g. hydatid cyst. Stool examination is usually carried out to rule out parasitic cysts [28].


Oral cysticerci, being usually localized and superficial lesions, are easy to excise and have good prognosis. Simple surgical excision is often all that is required to ensure complete removal of the lesion without any postoperative complications in such cases[5]. Lesions involving the muscles like the masseter may be treated conservatively with antiparasitic therapy[18]. Unlike the neurocysticercosis or orbital cysticercosis which are severe in their clinical presentations, the oral cysticercosis are usually well tolerated. However, it is important to exclude the presence of the parasite in other sites through a detailed case study and systematic investigations [14]. Praziquantel and albendazole are used to treat cysticercosis, especially in patient with disseminated cysticercosis or where surgical excision is risky or not possible, such as in neurocysticercosis[4].

Control and prevention

Transmitted via the orofecal route, cysticercosis is potentially eradicable. To prevent and eradicate human cysticercosis supportive measures such as improvement in the sanitary conditions, pork inspection, consumption of boiled water, well washed vegetables, mass education about personal hygiene should be undertaken along with medical treatment (by a registered and approved medical practitioner) which includes larvicidal drugs, corticosteroids, and surgical procedure for removal of the cyst[25, 28].

The role of the dental clinician?

The illustrations above clearly tell us the critical role that clinicians and especially dentists have in the control  of not only oral cysticercosis but cysticercosis as a Neglected Tropical Disease. The patient diagnosis of oral cysticercosis could act as a “sentinel” and insight to further investigate and control the problem in the family or community at large.

It is clear that oral cysticercosis should be considered in the differential diagnosis of intraoral solitary swellings especially in endemic areas. In endemic countries a lesion can be first referred for a FNA which is cost-effective, quick, and reliable. Expensive investigations, like immunological tests and CT, can be undertaken only in the absence of a definitive pathological diagnosis. As much as the histopathological findings of the excised swelling are diagnostic of the lesion a detailed evaluation should be done to exclude the presence of the parasite at other sites[14, 2].


  1. Bhatia, V., O., Natekar, A., A., and Valand, A., G., Paediatric Oral Cysticercosis: A Misdiagnosed and a Rare Entity. International Journal of Oral & Maxillofacial Pathology., 2014. 5(2): p. 26-28.
  2. Chunduri, N., S., Goteki, V., Gelli, V., and Madasu, K., Case Report: Oral Cysticercosis. SOUTHEAST ASIAN J TROP MED PUBLIC HEALTH, 2013. 44(2).
  3. De Souza, P.E., Barreto, D.C., Fonseca, L.M., de Paula, A.M., Silva, E.C., and Gomez, R.S., Cysticercosis of the Oral Cavity: Report of Seven Cases. Oral Dis, 2000. 6: p. 253-5.
  4. Del Brutto, O.H., Sotelo, J., and Roman, G.C., Therapy for Neurocysticercosis: A Reappraisal. Clin Infect Dis, 1993. 17: p. 30-5.
  5. Delgado-Azañero, W.A., Mosqueda-Taylor, A., and Carlos-Bregni, R., Oral Cysticercosis: A Collaborative Study of 16 Cases. Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol Oral Radiol Endod, 2007. 103: p. 528-33.
  6. Dhaif, G.A. and Al-Hadi, A.A., Oral Cysticercosis: A Case Report. Saudi Dental J 2000. 2: p. 100-2.
  7. Dysanoor, S. and Pol, J., A Solitary Facial Nodular Swelling: A Case Report of Intramuscular Cysticercosis in Buccinator Muscle. Asian Pac J Trop Dis, 2013. 3(3): p. 235-9.
  8. Garcia, H.H. and Del Brutto, O.H., Taenia Solium Cysticercosis. Infect Dis Clin North Am, 2000. 14: p. 97-119.
  9. Garcia, H.H., Evans, C.A.W., and Nash, T.E., Current Consensus Guidelines for Treatment of Cysticercosis. Clin Microbiol Rev, 2002. 15: p. 747-56.
  10. Jay, A., Dhanda, J., and Peter, L., Short Communication-Oral Cysticercosis. Br J Oral Maxillofac Surg, 2007. 45: p. 331-4.
  11. Jay, A., Dhanda, J., Chiodini, P.L., Woodrow, C.J., Farthing, P.M., Evans, J., and Jager, H.R., Oral Cysticercosis. Br J Oral Maxillofac Surg, 2007. 45(4): p. 331-4.
  12. Joshi, J., Sharanesha, M.B., Jatwa, R., and Khetrapal, S., Oral Cysticercosis: A Diagnostic Difficulty. J Clin Diagn Res, 2014. 8(10): p. ZD24-5.
  13. Junior, H.M., Melo, F., M.R., and Nogueira, d., Santos L.A., Oral Cysticercosis. Braz J Oral Sci, 2006. 5: p. 1109-11.
  14. Krishnamoorthy, B., Suma, G.N., Dhillon, M., Srivastava, S., Sharma, M.L., and Malik, S.S., Encysted Tenia Solium Larva of Oral Cavity: Case Report with Review of Literature. Contemp Clin Dent, 2012. 3(Suppl 2): p. S228-32.
  15. Lee, K.H., Cepeda, L., and Miller, M., Mucoceles Not-Oral Cysticercosis and Minor Salivary Gland Adenocarcinoma: Two Case Reports. Dermatol Online J 2009. 15(S).
  16. Mahajan, S., Agrawal, P., Datarkar, A., Datarkar, and Borle, R., Oral Cysticercosis: A Case Report. J Maxillofac Oral Surg, 2009. 8(1): p. 85-87.
  17. Mazhari, N.J., Kumar, N., and Jain, S., Cysticercosis of the Oral Mucosa: Aspiration Cytologic Diagnosis. J Oral Pathol Med, 2001. 30: p. 187-9.
  18. Mittal, A., Das, D., Iyer, N., Nagaraj, J., and Gupta, M., Massester Cysticercosis-a Rare Case Diagnosed on Ultrasound. Dentomaxillofac Radiol, 2008. 37(113-16).
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  20. Mukheh, S., Kacker, S.K., and Kapilla, K., Cysticercosis of the Oral Cavity—a Clinic Pathological Study of Ten and a Half Years. JIDA, 1986. 58: p. 257-9.
  21. Neves Santos, F., Neves Santos Soares, F., Leal Macedo, C., Oliveira de Souza, R., Rode Santos, A., Araújo Silva Gurgel, C., and Luciano Neves Santos, F., A Brazilian Case of Tongue Cysticercosis. Advances in Infectious Diseases, 2012. 02(04): p. 106-109.
  22. Nigam, S., Singh, T., Mishra, A., and Chaturvedi, u., Oral Cystivercosis-Report of Six Cases. 2000.
  23. Nigam, S., Singh, T., Mishra, A., and Chaturvedi, K.U., Oral Cysticercosis–Report of Six Cases. Rev Inst Med Trop Sao Paulo, 2005. 47(2): p. 95-8.
  24. Patel, K., Shah, M., and Patel, B., Subcutaneous Oral Cysticercosis. Natl J Community Med, 2011. 2: p. 311-13.
  25. Ribeiro, A.C., Luvizotto, M., Soubhia, A.M., Castro, A., and Paulo, A., Oral Cysticercosis: Case Report. Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol Oral Radiol Endod, 2007. 104: p. 56-8.
  26. Singh, S., Chhabra, S., Aggarwal, G., Karla, R., Duhan, A., and Sen, R., Oral Cysticercosis- a Rare Presentation. Asian Pacific Journal of Tropical Medicine, 2011: p. 587-8.
  27. Venkatraman, J., Jain, A., and Parmar, P., Oral Cysticercosis-a Reare Case Report. Int J Cur Res Rev, 2013. 5(22): p. 89-93.
  28. Wanjari, S.P., Patidar, K.A., Parwani, R.N., and Tekade, S.A., Oral Cysticercosis: A Clinical Dilemma. BMJ Case Rep, 2013. 2013.
  29. Wilson, A., Mosqueda, A., Carlos, R., Antonio, M., and Contreras, E., Oral Cysticercosis: A Collab¬Orative Study of 16 Cases. Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol Oral Radiol Endod 2007. 103: p. 528-33.

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Brief overview of bovine brucellosis: The Kenyan perspective

Brief overview of bovine brucellosis: The Kenyan perspective

Brief overview of bovine brucellosis: The Kenyan perspective


Brucellosis is the most common and widespread of all bacterial zoonotic infections affecting man, livestock and wild animals (OIE., 2012; Corbel., 2006 and FAO., 2003) with significant socio-economic impacts and human suffering in endemic areas (Young., 1995; Boschiroli et al., 2001; McDermott., 2013). In Kenya, the nationwide prevalence of brucellosis in animals is unknown (ZDU., 2015) but the Zoonotic Disease Unit (ZDU) is in the process of determining the national prevalence and incidence through the current and ongoing study at Kajiado county in Kenya. Previous work by ZDU on brucellosis has been published on June this year 2015 as, “Sero-prevalence of Brucellosis in Humans and their Animals: A Linked Cross-sectional Study in Two Selected Counties in Kenya


Bovine brucellosis, caused by Brucella abortus, is a contagious disease with a worldwide distribution, except in regions where it has been eradicated (Robinson., 2003). It is less often caused by Brucella melintesis and seldom by Brucella suis, all of which are intracellular, facultative, Gram-negative, coccobacilli or short rod bacteria (OIE., 2012) of which nine biotypes have been recognized (Radostits et al., 2000).


As a herd problem, it is primarily spread by contact and ingestion of contaminated material (Boschiroli et al., 2001; Radostits et al., 2000), while spread between herds is facilitated by introduction of asymptomatic animals (Nicoletti., 2013). The primary routes of infection are through the mucous membranes of the conjunctiva, oral and nasal surfaces (Abernethy et al., 2006) and supposedly through vertical transmission or colostrum (Aparicio., 2013). Humans get infected by direct or indirect contact with infected animals, their products or by-products (Corbel., 2006; Dean et al., 2012; Karadzinska-Bislimovska et al., 2010) and therefore humans play a role in its persistence and transmission (Aparicio., 2013).

Risk factors

Susceptibility of cattle to Brucella abortus infection is influenced by: management factors such as artificial insemination (Boschiroli et al., 2001), herd sizes and population density; animal factors such as age, sex, reproductive status; and biological factors such as herd immunity (Crawford., 1990). Infection occurs in cattle of all ages but persists commonly in sexually mature animals (Radostits et al., 2000). Young animals are more resistant to infection and often clear infections but latent infections may occur (Walker., 1999).

Factors contributing to brucellosis in Kenya include:

  • The available data on brucellosis is not adequate enough to inform effective control processes.
  • The free range production system practiced in most parts of the country helps to maintain the disease in both animal and human populations
  • The cultures of some community that encourages consumption of raw livestock products e.g. whole blood an raw milk
  • Inadequate and non-sustainable resources for effective brucellosis control i.e. for the implementation of test and cull policy (currently not practiced); for skill improvement and equipping of the existing surveillance personnel/ staff; for the hiring of adequate skilled personnel
  • Livestock-wildlife interaction (especially during free grazing), cattle rustling and porous borders limiting control efforts
  • Inadequate diagnostic techniques which by extension do not give a true picture of Brucellosis presence/absence (the current study by ZDU will validate the existing testing kits and provide alternative, better and tested diagnostic options

Clinical features

In cattle it is manifested by elevated incidences of third trimester abortions (Crawford et al., 1990), placental retention, stillbirths, infertility, carpal hygromas (McDermott., 2002) and potential sterility in males (Halling and Boyle., 2002), resulting in huge negative economic impacts (Schelling et al., 2003; OIE., 2012). Clinical signs are not pathognomonic for the disease (Corbel., 2006) and therefore diagnosis is by demonstrating Brucella pathogens through laboratory techniques. The same organism also causes undulant fever in man (Mantur et al., 2007), which presents as febrile flu-like illness and is common among pastoralists in Africa (Seifert., 1996) and also Kenya (Muruki et al., 1994).

Diagnosis of bovine brucellosis

There are basically three main groups of diagnostic methods for detecting Brucella species: Identification of the agent, serological tests and other complementary tests. Identification of the agent can be achieved through microscopy, isolation and inoculation (OIE., 2012; Weidmann., 1991); Serology achieved through: Milk Ring Test-MRT, Serum agglutination Test-SAT, buffered Brucella antigen tests-BBATs, and Complement Fixation test-CFT (Radostits et al., 2000) while complementary tests used are: enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay-ELISA (Fadeel., 2006), fluorescence polarization assay-FPA and Polymerase Chain Reaction-PCR (Romero et al., 1995). For control strategies at national/local level, the BBATs as well as the ELISA and FPA, are suitable screening tests (OIE., 2012).

In Kenya the RBPT, ELISA and CFT are conducted at the central Veterinary Laboratories with prospects of starting PCR testing for brucellosis.


Generally, treatment of infected livestock is not attempted because of the high rates of treatment failure, cost, (Walker., 1999; Nicoletti., 2013) and potential problems of residues to public safety when high doses of antimicrobials are used as chemotherapy. Man can be treated with a combination therapy of Doxycycline and Rifampicin antimicrobials, however, relapses may occur (Corbel., 2006).

Prevention and control of bovine brucellosis

This can be achieved through public health education and awareness among consumers and farmers on proper animal husbandry practices, sanitation and food-borne risks associated with brucellosis. Vaccinating all breeding animals to raise herd immunity (OIE., 2012). Strengthen and endorse strategies to control cross-border animal movement coupled with routine surveillance that provides accurate epidemiological information about the disease. Test, segregate and eliminate infected animals (Weidmann., 1991) but it should be noted that this approach is not a viable option in developing countries due to the high implementation costs.

Surveillance and control strategies for brucellosis available in Kenya:

  • Surveillance of brucellosis is carried out by Veterinary Epidemiology and Economics Unit (VEEU) team but this is restricted to seroprevalence studies of particular areas in Kenya. There are about 7 veterinarians in the VEEU unit each of whom is in charge of particular diseases but work hand in hand in diseases surveillance collaboratively.
  • Each county in Kenya has at least one veterinarian to implement disease control measures in that county
  • Laboratory infrastrusture which comprise of:
    •  National referral laboratories, namely: Central Veterinary Laboratories (CVL) at Kabete and the National Veterinary Quality Control Lab at Embakasi
    • Regional laboratories, namely: Nakuru (serves southern Rift Valley region), Kericho (serves Nyanza, Western, and western Rift Valley region), Eldoret (serves Northern Rift Valley region, which has a satellite lab at Lodwar), Karatina (serves the Central and Eastern regions, which have a satellite lab at Isiolo), Mariakani(serves Coast region, having two satellite labs at Ukunda and Witu) and Garissa (serves North Eastern region)
  • Brucellosis was included in the Integrated Diseases Surveillance and Reporting system on March 2011 (reported on a monthly basis)
  • On 17th June of 2011 (Legal notice No. 68), Brucellosis was gazetted as a notifiable disease in Kenya under the animal diseases act (Cap. 364). This means that all identified cases of brucellosis must be reported to the department of veterinary services. Prior to this gazettement, cases of brucellosis were not necessarily reported and therefore it was difficult to determine the occurrence, prevalence and spread nationwide.
  • Establishment of Disease Free Zones (DFZ): These are zones to be established around the country to be free from diseases such as: FMD, RVF, CBPP, Brucellosis, CCPP, PPR, BSE. This will be done in three zones. The first phase is currently on-going and the area for the first DFZ is the coastal area
  • Research conducted by various universities in Kenya such as University of Nairobi as part of Msc and PhD projects and by various research institutes such as Kenya Agricultural and Livestock Research organisation (KALRO-previously KARI) and the International livestock Research Institute (ILRI).
  • The Zoonotic Disease Unit (ZDU) which was set up in 2011 by the Ministry of Livestock Development (MoLD) and the Ministry of Public Health and Sanitation (MPHS) with the main objective of establishing and maintaining active collaboration at the animal, human and ecosystem interface towards better prevention and control of zoonotic diseases (learn more about the activities of ZDU, by clicking here)

 Impact of brucellosis on the Kenyan animal population

Analysis of passively collected data between the years 2003 to 2010 by the Zoonotic Disease Unit in Kenya demonstrate that brucellosis is wide spread throughout Kenya (ZDU., 2015) and that hundreds of Brucella-associated abortions in livestock are reported every year, suggesting that the disease is a major source of morbidity and mortality.

Economic losses due to brucellosis in Kenya are due to: abortion; birth of weak calves; reduced milk production; impaired fertility; major impediment to trade and export; loss of man hours, high treatment cost and government costs on research and surveillance schemes.


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