Farm animal welfare concerns during Covid-19 pandemic

by Apr 2, 2020

At present, there is no known risk of transmission of COVID-19 (ie. SARS-COV2 virus) from livestock to humans and no direct COVID-19 infection risk with consumption of animal products, noting general food hygiene should prevail.

The World organisation for Animal (OIErecommends that production and consumption of animal products can continue as usual, following routine sanitary precautions.

There is no current evidence that livestock can be infected or carry COVID-19, though scientific research is being conducted to confirm. Livestock feed is also not directly a risk, though delays in feeding, feed transport and animal care must be mitigated.

Animal welfare organisations like World Animal Protection have also emphasized that neglect, abandonment, inhumane culling or cruelty to animals is never acceptable.

To date, we are aware or anticipate the following, but please do alert us (email or in the comment section below) if you come across these concerns or other concerns for farm animals in your area (remember the below are never acceptible when it comes to animal welfare):

  • delays in feed to animals resulting in hunger and starvation – due to lack of contingencies with border delays, trade delays, movement delays generally
  • possible delays in care – veterinary services are considered essential services in some countries, but may be not all
  • lack of feed, care, veterinary services – due to remoteness, inability to afford or access such (eg. smallholders, price fluctuations etc)
  • lack of staff – due to economics, sickness with COVID-19 infection, social distancing needs or inability to access, travel to farms / work
  • neglect, disease, death or dumping of animals – due to any of the above plus some misinformation occurring

Important resource

The OIE has posted the following technical Covid-19 Q and A 1/4/20:

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