Online disease reporting systems: rhetoric or reality?

Online disease reporting systems: rhetoric or reality?

Online disease reporting systems: rhetoric or reality?

Introductory remark

Generally, under the emblem of a One Health approach towards disease surveillance, the media and health professionals (Fig.1) have a critical role when it comes to disease surveillance and reporting.

Fig1. A clinical officer collecting field data from a respondent for surveillance purposes. Photo credit: ZED Group

The media are many times, alluded as “unofficial sources” when it comes to disease reporting while the Director of Veterinary/Medical Services and/or the County Directors of Veterinary/Medical Services are alluded as “official sources.” It is important to argue from a point of evidence and weigh the pros and cons of both and especially reiterating their complementation. I will try to convince you how these three systems complement each other and especially support the importance of having the open access online reporting systems (of which the media plays a huge role).

Categorizing the online disease reporting systems

 The term online disease reporting systems bring to mind initially three groups of disease reporting systems:
  • Open access systems such as ProMED-mail founded in 1994 (ProMED-mail, 1994), HealthMap founded in 2006 (Healthmap, 2006), which capture a wide range of disease outbreaks and others targeting a single disease/pathogen e.g. Global Ranavirus reporting system (GRRS, 2015) (it is important to note that both ProMED-mail and Healthmap, borrow alot of their information from the media as well as the official reporting systems such as WAHIS as well as WHO-DONs)
  • Closed access systems such as those at the level of government ministries using the DHIS2 web application (such as the Health Information System in Kenya (Fig.2) and Lebanon initiated by World Health Organisation (WHO, 2014) and also the Visual Confidentiality Mobility Report system in Los Angeles (Dibya, 2002).
  • Semi-closed systems such as the more recently launched EPICORE system which is trying to provide a platform of “verifying” or discarding the rumours from the media through the use of speciliasts to verify outbreak related information.

Fig2. The user interface of the Kenya Health Information System

Systems like ProMED-mail disseminates its information via email lists, websites and social media. Which is a free subscription service with over 75,000 subscribers in 180 countries. The accuracy and quality of all reports on ProMED-mail may be assured because all reports are screened by experts before posting (Woodall, 2015).

Benefits of online disease reporting systems

Several benefits or “added value” of online disease reporting systems are:

  • Provide early warning of outbreaks of infectious diseases, toxins and environmental contamination affecting humans, animals and food and feed worldwide e.g. Avian Influenza-H7N9 in China (ProMED-mail, 2016)
  • Ability to access the reports by mobile devices e.g. cell phones from locations without health services and therefore connection cost is not borne by the ministry of health e.g. HealthMap android App
  • Ability of the public to monitor and easy to understand visualizations of disease epidemiology such as the HealthMap e.g. Chronic wasting disease in deer in Oneida county-Wisconsin, click to view image-HealthMap-CWD-Wiscosin.png  (HealthMap, 2016)
  • Enhancing accuracy and accelerating the collection of reported information to a central point as compared to the old decentralized systems of using phoned/faxed reports that would result to lateness and full of errors (see SARS outbreak in Beijing (Healthxchange, 2013) which resulted to adoption of online systems) and the Visual CMR system in Los Angeles (Sarkar, 2002).
  • A more recent system (The EPICORE system Fig.3) is trying to provide a pathway of “verifying or discarding the rumours from the media.”

The EPICORE system interface. Visit the website to apply to be a member (

A case study from Kenya: The Emergency Operation Centre

I would like to reiterate the importance of all the three groups of systems working together in kind of an integration, that is more important than relying on one system. Let me try and clarify using a Kenya context based example as below: The Emergency Operation Centre (EOC) anchored within the Ministry of Health, specifically under the Disease Surveillance and Response Unit is part of Kenya’s Emergency Preparedness and Response programme. The EOC collects data from social media, websites of mainstream media, direct calls and other numerous sources regarding outbreaks and public events of health importance which they use to generate daily reports. Based on these reports they send out alerts to key people for actioning. This is a very good example of a system that has adapted to the technological growth of information for efficient and effective detection and response to outbreaks in Kenya. Of course, in the long run, verified information is important but the question is should we only respond to outbreaks based on the verified information or also on the preliminary information. In my opinion, both have a part to play in an outbreak/emergency scenario using different intervention mechanisms.


In conclusion, the online disease reporting systems have revolutionized surveillance systems and in future social media e.g. Twitter may become an invaluable source of disease outbreaks and it will be imperative to think of a way of advising the public on how to interpret and act on this information. In future, it may also be important for governments to integrate these ‘open access’ systems into their surveillance systems.

Online disease reporting systems provide an early/preliminary working strategy for public safety pending confirmation; for instance, the anthrax outbreak in wildlife in Kenya, if you check on ProMED-mail, the first alert was on 22nd July 2015 sourced from DailyNation (ProMED-mail, 2015a), while the second official report came from OIE on 27 August 2015 (ProMED-mail, 2015b). If the legal action could have been taken on August, 27 you can imagine what would have happened. This certainly informs us that the media and online open access reporting systems do have a role to play in disease surveillance and reporting but above and beyond that, they act as a quick and first line of “defence” termed as “early warning systems” (Madoff, 2004).

Remember to drop your questions, comments and feedback as well.


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A day working in the Zoonoses in Livestock in Kenya project: a case of One Health surveillance

A day working in the Zoonoses in Livestock in Kenya project: a case of One Health surveillance

A day working in the Zoonoses in Livestock in Kenya project: a case of One Health surveillance

What’s ZooLink?

The Zoonoses in Livestock in Kenya project abbreviated as “ZooLink”, seeks to develop an integrated surveillance system for fifteen (15) pathogens transmissible between humans and animals (zoonoses) piloted in three counties (Busia, Bungoma and Kakamega) geographically positioned in Western Kenya. In subsequent components, the project will: (1) validate, deploy and develop high-throughput laboratory assays for the targeted zoonotic diseases; (2) model their risk; (3) determine their socio-economic implications and (4) forecast how demographics, husbandry and genetics of livestock will change over time. An in-depth description of the project work packages is available on the project website avaulable at: My name is Dr Kelvin Momanyi and I work as a Research Assistant under this exciting project and in subsequent paragraphs, I will share with you “what a day working in “ZooLink” feels like in the context of our field activities from the animal team.

The tri-team structure

The ZooLink multi and trans-disciplinary operational field activities are implemented by three functionally interlinked teams: (1) the animal team (Fig.1) that collects, stores, delivers samples and electronically relays data related to livestock and their owners from the livestock markets and slaughterhouses; (2) the human team that collects stores, delivers samples and electronically relays data related to the human patients visiting county, sub-county and mission hospitals and; (3) the laboratory team that receives, processes and stores (long-term) the samples as recieved from both the animal and human teams.

Fig-1: A section of the field team examining, sampling and capturing metadata of a cow at the Koyonzo slaughterhouse

The sampling sites

A day in the ZooLink animal team normally starts at 5 am when visiting field sites far away i.e. Webuye, Chwele, Kimilili, Lubao, Webuye, Shinyalu, Malaba, and Angurai or at 5:30 am when visiting close-by sites i.e. Myanga, Butula, Funyula, and Koyonzo. There are 3 sampling days per week, where each selected livestock market, slaughterhouse and hospital is visited once every month.

The animal team is disaggregated into two intradisciplinary teams (the livestock market team and the slaughterhouse team). A day prior to the field activity the consumables for the two teams are prepared in two separate field carriers, one with a pink lid designated for the slaughterhouse as well as packing their coveralls in a red disposable bag and consumables for the livestock market team are packed in a yellow-lidded carrier with coveralls in a black disposal bag (Fig.2). The separation aims in seemless identification.

Fig-2: Field car fully packed and ready for dispatch to the field

Whom we work with 

The goal is to arrive at the field site at or before 7 am when abattoirs are designated to open. At the field site, the first stage is to gown-up with Personal Protective Equipment (coveralls and gloves) followed by role allocation which would fall into two categories i.e. data entry and animal sampling). At the livestock animal market, the first step is to inform the livestock market chairperson and/or the livestock market master of our presence and activities for the day (the chairperson is contacted a day prior to the visit). The livestock market chairperson/master would then help in identifying a local person to aid in animal restraint (a crucial step to ensure and assure the safety of the staff, the handler, the animal and other market participants). At the slaughterhouse, the meat inspector and slaughterhouse workers are informed of the day’s activities (the meat inspector is also contacted a day prior to the visit). Animal restraint, at the slaughterhouse, is normally undertaken by the field staff and with the occasional recruitment of an animal restrainer. Working in both the livestock markets and slaughterhouses is facilitated by closely working together with the County and sub-county Directors of Veterinary Services of the study sites.

In-training mentorship programme of the AHITI interns

Our multidisciplinary teams (human, animal and laboratory) also offer hands-on practical mentorship and training (Fig.3) to recent graduates from the AHITI (an animal health training institute in Kenya) who are attached to the project through a memorandum of understanding between the project and the training institute.

Fig-3: One of the AHITI intern under cohort 5 being trained on how to collect blood from a cow

Animal identification and consent

At both the livestock market and slaughterhouse the goal is to sample 10 animals (6 cattle, 2 sheep and 2 goats) as may be possible. At the livestock market, the animals are recruited randomly from each corner of the livestock market ring. Although in some markets there is no clear-cut demarcation of the market, hence a “virtual ring” is maintained. After the animal is recruited the owner is identified. The project is described to the owner using one of the two national languages (either English or Kiswahili) conversant to the respondent. The owner is informed of how the animal was recruited, the purpose of the project (Fig.3), the procedures to be undertaken, confidentiality of the information and on how feedback will be provided as pooled results at a later stage. If the animal owner accepts to participate in the study, animal sampling and data collection commences and if he/she declines he/she is thanked and the next animal is identified and recruited.

Animal sampling and human metadata collection

During animal sampling, two staff members examine and collect samples from the animal while the other takes notes, labels the samples and collects further metadata from the animal owner, (Fig.3) detailing the source of the animal, reasons for buying/selling, and the destination of the animal among others. When the owner is a farmer further information regarding other animals kept, history of treatment, vaccination and episodes of sudden death are recorded. If the animal is from a different county then a movement permit is requested and photo-captured.

Fig-3: Obtaining consent, explaining the project to a participant and sampling of a goat in one of the livestock market

Animal sampling involves the collection of baseline information about the animal, examining the animal for possible pointers (signs) to illness and collection of samples. Baseline information includes the breed, age, and gender of the animal; the pointers to illness (signs) include visually determining the demeanour, body condition score (prominence of the ribs and hip bones), haircoat, weight (extrapolated from measuring the heart girth), nature of the ocular mucous membranes (whether pale/anaemic, congested, jaundice, or cyanotic), presence of vesicles, sores or lesions in the mouth or feet; collection of samples: (1) Blood from the jugular vein (Fig.5) into a red-topped vacutainer for serum to investigate exposure to pathogens such as Brucella, Rift Valley Fever, purple-topped vacutainer for whole blood to investigate extracellular parasites such as Trypanosomes and intracellular parasites such as Coxiella burnetti, Anthrax and a green-topped vacutainer for heparinised blood to investigate the zoonotic Mycobaterium bovis;

Figure 5: Blood collection from the jugular vein of a pig at the Shinyalu pig slaughter slab

(2) Nasal swab (Fig.6) to investigate the methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus;

Fig-6: Collection of a nasal swab at the Myanga livestock market

(3) Per-rectal fecal sample collection to investigate pathogens causing gastrointestinal infections such as Salmonella, E. coli, and Campylobacter; at the slaughterhouse level further samples collected include; (4) parasites such as the Fasciola spp from an infested liver; (5) tissue sample collection of affected organs such as a cyst from the liver/lung to investigate Echinococcus spp and other hydatid-causing pathogens or tongue to investigate Cysticercosis; (6) ear tissue sample collection (Fig.7) for genetic and breed-purity investigation (subsequent blog entries will describe in detail the pathogens and their role human disease burden, so stay tuned);

Fig-7: Ear tissue collection from a cow at the Amukura livestock market

(7) Tick samples (Fig-8) from infested animals are collected to further detect disease-causing pathogens.

Fig-8: Tick samples are collected and stored for further investigation

Data entry and relay

The first stage of the data entry process, at the field, is to barcode all the samples (blood, faecal, nasal swabs, tissues). The barcodes help to uniquely identify the samples and help in sample tracking. The data is entered with the aid of the Gather® application installed in the project’s mobile devices (Fig-9).

Fig-9: Data entry using a mobile device installed with the Gather® application

The first stage is to scan a barcode that serves as an animal ID, followed by the entry of the metadata i.e. baseline information, pointers to illness, owner responses and scanning in all the sample-barcodes belonging to each individual animal. All the information entered is transmitted in real-time to a secure project server managed by the Kestrel Technologies Group.

Afterwards a field feedback form is filed detailing on the number of project staff involved in the sampling process, the number of local staff involved, number of animals sampled and if few than 10 animals were sampled reasons for not attaining the maximum number, number of declines to consent and reasons, number of animals with incomplete data and lastly rating the difficulty in sampling from that site.

Sample storage and transport to the laboratory

Sampling normally ends at around mid-day. All the samples are always kept in cool boxes (after collection, when barcoding and during transport back to the lab). The consumables that were used are disinfected as well as the gumboots and car contact points (Fig-10).

Fig-10: Disinfection of the car

On our way to the office, a WhatsApp message is sent to the laboratory team informing them of the number of animals sampled and tentative time of arrival. On arrival at the laboratory, the cool boxes with samples are received by the laboratory team and processing of the samples initiated. Afterwards, both the livestock market and slaughterhouse consumable boxes are checked and refilled as appropriate, the coveralls are replaced with clean ones and the gumboots are further thoroughly washed and sanitized with Virkon in preparation for the subsequent field visits.

Feedback and significance of the study

The fifteen diseases being investigated by ZooLink affect both humans and animals. The study seeks to determine if indeed such diseases are circulating in the human and animal population. If these diseases are detected, feedback is provided at the hospital, livestock market (Fig-11) and slaughterhouse level. So far the feedback has been provided to medical officers, public health officers, nursing officers, clinical officers and laboratory staff at Bumula sub-county hospital in Busia County (28/02/2018) Mukumu mission hospital in Kakamega county (07/02/2018) and Lukolis health centre in Bungoma County (14/12/2017). Public engagement with livestock traders, butchers, meat inspectors and animal health officers at Myanga slaughterhouse and livestock market in Bungoma County (28/02/2018) and in Shinyalu slaughterhouse and livestock market in Kakamega County (07/02/2018).

Fig-11: A public engagement session in one of the livestock market to provide feedback

The objective of the public engagements at the health facilities, livestock markets and slaughterhouses are to share preliminary research sampling results so far based on study screening tests, to inform every one of the work we do, zoonoses covered by the study and offer recommendations on control and prevention of the zoonoses detected. The public engagements are done through talks and info-booklets highlighting ZooLink’s objectives, study areas, detected zoonoses through info-stories, including their control & prevention options and the project’s next steps.

All the previous study info-booklets are available on the study website available at:


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Potential of Social Media and Internet-Based Data in Preventing and Fighting Infectious Diseases

Potential of Social Media and Internet-Based Data in Preventing and Fighting Infectious Diseases

Potential of Social Media and Internet-Based Data in Preventing and Fighting Infectious Diseases

This article reports on the importance of using social media and the Internet in the fight against infectious diseases. Disadvantages and advantages of data gathered from social media and the Internet for public health use are also discussed. Examples and exploration of tools like GT is also given with its own opportunities and challenges. Future challenges and current gaps are also highlighted in this chapter so that future strategies can be formulated in order to improve contemporary surveillance system.


This article can be accessed online at:

Reporting Systems for Disease Surveillance in Kenya

Reporting Systems for Disease Surveillance in Kenya

Reporting Systems for Disease Surveillance in Kenya

Following the inception of IDSR strategy, the reporting system has been evolving. Before then, there was no surveillance reporting system for priority diseases. At the inception, the existing reporting challenges resulted in district reporting rates of 30% and below, with even lower health facility reporting rates. The system was largely paper-based. Health facilities reviewed records and summarized data of priority diseases on a form that was relayed to the district (currently called sub-county) offices by fax, hand delivery, courier or email by end of business every Monday. Districts likewise collated the health facility reports manually onto a summarized form and relayed it to the province and national level using fax, hand delivery, courier or email by end of business every Wednesday. The national focal offices received the data forms from districts and submitted them to data management officers for manual entry into computers for analysis.

In 2007, then Disease Outbreak Management Unit (DOMU) at MOH resolved to develop an electronic database that would meet the evolving information needs. With the support from partners, an Epi Info electronic database was established at Afya House. Facilities sent their data to districts for aggregation and onward transmission to the National. Penetration and availability of mobile phones services among health workers also offered opportunities to improve reporting. Health workers at periphery begun to use unstructured Short Message Services (SMS) messages to report to the next level in order to beat timelines and other challenges related to hard to reach areas.

A study on IDSR reporting showed that for districts that had achieved >80% reporting rate (RR), about 62% of the health facilities (HFs) used SMS based reporting while 31% had used hand delivery method. For districts that achieved <80% RR, about 63% of HFs used hand delivery method whole 28% used SMS based reporting. The study concluded the use of SMS based reporting had a positive association with surveillance RR [4] Justification to embrace an innovative mobile phone-based reporting platform was strongly building up.

In 2011 the Ministry of Health with support from partners (WHO, CLinton Health Access Initiative, Hewlette-Packard, and Strathmore University), innovated eIDSR, a web based system to overcome challenges of sending data from sub-county to the county and national level. The desired goal was to have data relayed from the facility top a central server, but due to challenges of inadequate resources this was not realized.

Currently, data from health facility is transmitted to the sub-county transmission on paper-based standardized tools. The  system transits at sub-county level into web-based eIDSR platform where the hard copy data from the facility is keyed in for onward transmission to the county and national.

While significant leaps on IDSR have been realized, bottlenecks exist that form potential areas for improvement. The web-based system (eIDSR) that rests at the sub-county, does not allow facilities on suspected outbreak cases and public health events are not availed on time as required to allow timely execution of necessary public health action. In addition, several officers manually handle data before it reaches destination, thus data is prone to high chances of errors.

To address the observed gaps in the existing eIDSR system for immediate reporting, the MOH in collaboration with the JICA_AMED SATREPS project piloted and established a mobile SMS-based disease outbreak alert system (mSOS). The pilot was conducted in Busia and Kajiado counties for six months [5,6]. A stakeholders meeting was held in June 2015 and findings and recommendations were shared. (In the meeting, salient issues were raised and recommendations were shared to improve and roll-out the system to other regions in the country [7-9]. In order to foster sustainability of the system, it was necessary to integrate the immediate and weekly reporting reporting of IDSR data and immediate disease reporting system (mSOS) into the National District health Information System (DHIS) platform [10].

mSOS/IDSR Weekly Mobile Reporting System

Mobile SMS-based disease Outbreak alert System (mSOS)/Integrated Disease Surveillance and Response (IDSR) Weekly Mobile Reporting System is designed for real-time information sharing and prompt response disease outbreaks and public health events.

The system is intended for health facility in-charges to report the following:

  1. IDSR Weekly reporting (MOH 505)
  2. Immediately reportable diseases, and
  3. Public health events. Disease Surveillance Coordinator (DSC) and Health Records an Information Officer (HRIO) at the County and Sub-county levels validate and allow submission of the data.

The system was developed by the Ministry of Health in Kenya (Disease Surveillance and Response, Health Information System, ICT, eHealth, Zoonotic Disease Unit, Disaster Response) within the DHIS2 system, through collaborations with World Health Organization (WHO), Centres for Disease Control (CDC), Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) and United STates Agency for International Development (USAID).


Figure 2: mSOS/IDSR Weekly Mobile Reporting System

IDSR Weekly Reporting (MOH 505)

There are 36 disease and conditions that require weekly reporting in the MOH 505 form. Existing IDSR reporting system is incapable of real time reporting from facility to higher levels for public health action. In the new mSOS/IDSR Weekly Mobile platform, health workers at facility level will be able to submit disease surveillance data using mobile phones. The mSOS/IDSR Weekly Mobile application is hosted in the DHIS2 platform for affordability and sustainability amidst competing healthcare priorities.

Disease surveilance focal person of the in-charge of the health facility have rights in the mobile pltform and is expected to report every Monday as stipulated in the IDSR national technical guidelines.

The SUb-county Disease Surveillance Coordinator (SCDSC) oversees surveillance activities within the sub-county. He/she validates, responds and submits the data into the server and gives feedback. In the event that the SCDSC does not verify data in the system by Wdnesday of every week, the system wil assume that the sub-county has not reported. County Disease Surveillance Coordinators (CDSC) have rights to view, comment and provide feedback in support for the sub-counties within their counties.

Health Records and Information Officers (HRIO) at County and Sub-county levels provide administrative and technical support for the system hosted in the DHIS platform. This includes, troubleshooting and continued training in DHIS2.

Table 1: IDSR Weekly Reporting

Table 1: IDSR Weekly Reporting

Immediate Reportable Diseases 

The mSOS/IDST Weekly Mobile system enables health workers to report immediately reportable disease on real time basis as required in the IDSR national technical guidelines. There are a number of disease and conditions requiring immediate reporting within 24 hours.

Table 2: Disease, conditions or events requiring immediate reporting (within 24 hours) [3]

Table 2: Disease, conditions or events requiring immediate reporting (within 24 hours) [3]

Once data is reported, the server synchronizes and raises alerts via SMS and emails of designated managers to trigger response action. Responsible disease surveillance officers are expected t respond and record the initial response measure via the web portal.

Alerts generated through the DHIS2 platform will be relayed to the Emergency Operation Centre (EOC) for analyses and further public health action. Analyses of the occurrence of events, response actions taken, time between reporting and response are availed for evaluation.

Public Health events 

The mSOS/IDSR Weekly Mobile sytej enables health workers to report public health events on real-time basis as required in IHR 2005. There are a number of conditions and events requiring immediate reporting within 24 hours.


Disease outbreak rumours, the location of the occurrence of the event, the number affected and deaths are reported in mSOS/IDSR Weekly Mobile Reporting System. Once data is reported, the server synchronizes and raises alerts via SMS and emails of designated managers to trigger response action. Responsible disease surveillance officers are expected to respond and record the initial response measure via the web portal.

Alerts generated through the DHIS2 platform will be relayed to the Emergency Operation Centre (EOC) for analyses and further public health action. Analyses of the occurrence of events, response actions taken, time between reporting and response are availed for evaluation.

Surveillance Indicators 

  • Timeliness: Measures whether the report was sent by the due date
  • Reporting rate/completeness: measures the rate of the reports received from the total reports from the sub-county
  • Complete reports: measures the report that has all the variables expected in it
  • Intra-district reporting rate: Measures the rate of health facilities that respond to the sub-county
  • Intra-sub county reporting rate: Measures the rate of sub-counties that reported to the county

Surveillance Data Flow 

Weekly Data (MOH 505)

The surveillance focal person at health facility level submits surveillance data into DHIS2 via mobile phone or computer

Sub-county Disease Surveillance Coordinator does verification and validation before the data is submitted to the server. In the event that the verification is not completed by Wednesday, the system assumes that the sub-county did not report. County and National levels access the ddata after the data is submitted to the server.

Immediately Reportable Diseases

Surveillance focal person of health facility in-charge submits data for immediately reportable diseases real-time (or within 24 hours) of detection into the system. The disease and conditions are specified in Table 2.

Alert messages, surpassing thresholds, are automatically raised via SMS and email to Sub county, County, and National focal person real-time.

Public Health Events 

Surveillance focal person or health facility in-charge submits data for public health events, including rumours from community real-time (or within 24 hours). The events are specified in Table 3.

Alert messages, surpassing thresholds, are automatically raised via SMS and email to Sub county, County, and National focal person real-time.

Primary source of information

Rachel Wanjiru, Ian Njeru, mSOS/DST Weekly Mobile Reporing Stakeholders, John Gichangi, David Kareko, Annastacia Muange, Sophia Karanja, Ngina Kisangau, Boniface Waweru, Raphael Pundo, Oliver Munyao, Steve Waweru, Daniel Langat, Lyndah Makayotto, Mitsuru Toda (2016) mSOS/IDSR Weekely Mobile Reporting: Training Manual, Ministry of Health Kenya, Nairobi


[1] Division of Disease Surveillance an Response (DDSR). IDSR STrategy. Available from:

[2] World Health Organisation, International Health Regulations (2005), 2008.

[3] Ministry of Public Health and Sanitation, Integrated Disease Surveillance and Response in Kenya: Technical Guidelines 2012, 2012

[4] Njuguna, C., Integrated Disease Surveillance & Response (IDSR) Strategy in Kenya, 2010, WHO KEnya: Nairobi

[5] Mendoza, G., et al., mSOS: Using mHealth to strengthen real-time disease surveillance and response in Kenya, in mHealth Compedium, M.S.f.H. African Strategies for Health, Editor 2014, USAID: Arlington, VA.

[6] Minstry of Health Disease Surveillance and Response Unit. Mobile SMS Based Disease outbreak Alert System. 2015 Available from:

[7] Njeru, I., et al., mSOS (mobile SMS-based disease outbreak alert system) Preliminary Report, 2015, Disease Surveillance and Response Unit (DSRU) at the Ministry of Health: Nairobi, Kenya.

[8] Japan International Cooperation Agency. mSOS: A versatile Tool for Disease outbreak Alert. 2015 June 5, 2015. Available from:

[9] Japan International Cooperation Agency. Meeting with Mr. James Macharia, cabinet Secretary, Ministry of Health. 2015. Available from:

[10] Ministry of Medical Services. Ministries of Health Launch District Health Information System. 21 Feb 2012 5 July 2012. Available from:



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The IDSR Disease Surveillance System in Kenya

The IDSR Disease Surveillance System in Kenya

The IDSR Disease Surveillance System in Kenya

Communicable diseases remain the leading cause of morbidity, mortality and disability in African communities. While much progress has been made in the last decade towards improving national and regional capacity for effective surveillance and response, communicable disease such as cholera, viral hemorrhagic fevers, yellow fever, influenza, malaria, HIV/AIDS and tuberculosis remain high priorities for national public health programs owing to their public health significance. Conditions and events such as malnutrition and maternal deaths are also critical targets for national public health programs. Additionally, non-communicable diseases such as hypertension and diabetes are gaining prominence.

To address the challenges of disease surveillance and response, the 48th World Health Organization Regional Committee for Africa meeting in Harare, Zimbabwe, adopted resolution AFRO/RC48/R2 in September 1998. The strategy is called Integrated Disease Surveillance and Response (IDSR) [1]. The goal of IDSR is to improve the ability of all levels of the system to detect, confirm, and respond to diseases and other public health events in order to reduce high levels of illness, death and disability. In addition, the International Health Regulations (IHR) was adopted on 23 May 2005 by the fifty-eighth World Health Assembly in Geneva, Switzerland through Resolution WHA 58.3 [2]. IHR is a legally binding instrument designed to help protect all States from the international spread of disease. Most importantly, IHR calls for strengthening national core capacities for surveillance and response throughout national health systems [3].

After adoption of the IDSR strategy by the Ministry of Health (MOH) in 2006, Kenya now has a total of 36 reportable priority diseases categorized as epidemic prone diseases, diseases targeted for eradication/elimination, disease of public health importance and public health events for internal concern (IHR 2005). These priority diseases have different reporting requirements and timelines and thresholds are stipulated in the IDSR technical guidelines. IDSR promotes the rational use of resources for collection, analysis and interpretation of health data and dissemination of the resulting information to those who need them for public health action.

Integrated Disease Surveillance and Response (IDSR) Data Flow 


The next article will elaborate further on the, “Reporting Systems for Disease Surveillance in Kenya” stay tuned 🙂


[1] Division of Disease Surveillance an Response (DDSR). IDSR STrategy. Available from:

[2] World Health Organisation, International Health Regulations (2005), 2008.

[3] Ministry of Public Health and Sanitation, Integrated Disease Surveillance and Response in Kenya: Technical Guidelines 2012, 2012

Primary source

Rachel Wanjiru, Ian Njeru, mSOS/DST Weekly Mobile Reporing Stakeholders, John Gichangi, David Kareko, Annastacia Muange, Sophia Karanja, Ngina Kisangau, Boniface Waweru, Raphael Pundo, Oliver Munyao, Steve Waweru, Daniel Langat, Lyndah Makayotto, Mitsuru Toda (2016) mSOS/IDSR Weekely Mobile Reporting: Training Manual, Ministry of Health Kenya, Nairobi


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