Choose Prevention: Embrace a Healthier Future with Less Meat
While it’s true that many African countries already consume less or no meat compared to developed nations, it remains crucial to steadfastly promote the benefits of a preventative approach—#EatingLessMeat.
Untangling antimicrobial resistance – the legacy of an unhealthy development model
development banks must stop funding factory farming, instead, they should support and help expand truly sustainable farming projects with a focus on plant-based proteins and high animal welfare, that takes into account the needs of animals, local communities and the environment
How much do you know about the food on your fork?
Food production and consumption has a major impact on the environment (True/False) True Food systems place considerable pressure on the environment, generating between 21 and 37 per cent of all human greenhouse gas emissions. Because it requires vast amounts of land,...
6th IPCC report: Human activities are pushing planet earth beyond its limits
On 9th August 2021, the IPCC (intergovernmental panel on climate change) released their sixth assessment report which consists of contributions from each of the three IPCC Working Groups and a Synthesis Report, which integrates the Working Group contributions and the...
AMR-MPTF Biosecurity Guidelines Review and Stakeholders Validation Workshop Nakuru, Kenya held between 12-16th July 2021
The adoption of biosecurity measures is expected to sustainably contribute to improved animal husbandry as well as minimize AMR risks attributed to foods of animal origin that could be contaminated by resistant pathogens.
Report says major supermarkets in Kenya selling superbug laden meat
Kenyan consumers could be eating contaminated meat from the country’s major supermarkets. This is according to a study by World Animal Protection which is challenging stakeholders to improve animal welfare and ensure responsible use of antibiotics to reverse the trend.