Knowledge That You Deserve
Interdisciplinary issues
Choose Prevention: Embrace a Healthier Future with Less Meat
While it’s true that many African countries already consume less or no meat compared to developed nations, it remains crucial to steadfastly promote the benefits of a preventative approach—#EatingLessMeat.
Untangling antimicrobial resistance – the legacy of an unhealthy development model
development banks must stop funding factory farming, instead, they should support and help expand truly sustainable farming projects with a focus on plant-based proteins and high animal welfare, that takes into account the needs of animals, local communities and the environment
6th IPCC report: Human activities are pushing planet earth beyond its limits
On 9th August 2021, the IPCC (intergovernmental panel on climate change) released their sixth assessment report which consists of contributions from each of the three IPCC Working Groups and a Synthesis Report, which integrates the Working Group contributions and the...
Report says major supermarkets in Kenya selling superbug laden meat
Kenyan consumers could be eating contaminated meat from the country’s major supermarkets. This is according to a study by World Animal Protection which is challenging stakeholders to improve animal welfare and ensure responsible use of antibiotics to reverse the trend.
Can we learn more about human cancer from dogs?
The study of cancer through comparative oncology (study of cancers in both humans and animals), in recent times, has provided invaluable insights on how the pet-dog is not only man’s companion, but also plays an integral role in improving human health and well-being. More importantly, reiterating the added value of One Health (which is a collaborative and multidisciplinary approach to solving societal challenges) by acting or having the potential to act as sentinels (early warning systems) and models for studying, early diagnosis and treatment of human cancer.
ABCs for Disease Control and Prevention
Vaccinate your livestock, your pets and your self against common vaccine-preventable diseases e.g. rabies. Picture this: you did not vaccinate your dog, it gets rabid, it goes ahead to bite your neighbour and a kid in the neighbourhood. The full course of PEP against rabies for your 2 neighbours will cost close to Kshs 30,000. Not forgetting the danger of losing your dog too! You could have prevented all these costs and losing your dog if you had just spent between Kshs 100-2000 in vaccinating your dog and protecting it for a whole year!
Visit our Transdisciplinary Consultants website to learn more about collaborative One Health research opportunities in Animal Welfare, One Health, Veterinary Medicine, community engagement and science communication. Focussed to provide proof of concept of the added value of One Health and One Welfare, in that better health for animals translates to a sustainable better human and environmental health.

We offer One Health consultancy service through the Transdisciplinary Consultants on One Health surveillance, One Health evaluation antimicrobial resistance, zoonotic diseases, infectious diseases, data analysis, public science communication, comparative oncology and data collection tools development. We also offer free mentorship on One Health to any individual working on any One Health related project or work.
We have a track record of designing and managing organisational and individual websites both in unilingual and multilingual. Our portfolio features some of the websites our team has developed. They are modern, stylish, elegant and mobile friendly. We also offer a one-month post-service consultation and free added services (such as free training to bring your team up to speed).
Comparative cancer research: Our work seeks to explore how animals can be sentinels and models for human cancer. Our team is participating in the Global Initiative of Veterinary Cancer Surveillance.
Field data collection: ready to collect data for you utilizing high tech data collection tools such as ODK, KoBoToolbox, EpiCollect
Data analysis: experienced in quantitative and qualitative data analysis utilizing modern cutting edge tools such as R, SPSS, NVivo among others
One Health Evaluation
Human & animal cancers

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